How do you cope with this? No matter how much you try to be beautiful for your husband/partner, he still says, "You are not taking care of yourself anymore". It's like whatever you do, it's not enough for him that you end up being embarrassed of your battle scars from giving birth to your child. You do not like him to see you even halfnaked (when you're dressing up) because he might point out your flaws again. How do you get that self-confidence back when he is the putting you down? Though you know he isn't being mean, just genuinely concerned but jn a wrong way...? ?

I don not know how do you say this, but I think it is very mean of him to pin point about your body, I mean in the way he is bringing it up again and again. Isn't it quite obvious for him that after having a baby your body will go through changes. But, yes, you can keep yourself in shape, that as you said you are doing everything. I think you should put it across to your husband and let him know how you feel about his concern. Ask him how will he feel if you keep on pinpointing his potbelly or any of his personality's aspect! Be honest about your feelings in a good way and I am sure he will understand.
Magbasa paNot sure what you really look like, but as on my own opinion, some girls after giving birth have lost the self care about themselves, specially their looks, but it's not a really big deal though, due to having responsibility specially taking care if the Child/ren will take some of your time for yourself, but your husband should also know what you feel, your struggle, pray it all to God and talk to him in person, not in a complain way but let him realised your current stand.
Magbasa paWhen you understand him that he is not being mean and putting it all because he is concerned, then with that genuineness, you, too, can tell him that him saying all these things hurt you. And there is no idol body that you can be like, if at all he is comparing you with women on television or otherwise.
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Talk to him and ask him what he ry wants. Explain that you're trying your best to beautify yourself despite of him continuously express his dissatisfaction on you.