sex amongst teenagers
How would you approach the subject of sex with your teenage son?

Hey... I have a five year old daughter, and I know when she would grow a little more how to impart information about sex to her. But I think it would have been different with a boy, because no matter he would be your son and you have raised him but he would be embarrassed when I will be speaking about sex. Personally, I would want my husband to educate him about sex. And since, nowadays schools do give sex education to kids, so his job would become easy because he would be told about the topic in the school as well. Also, I do not know for sure till I do not have a son, it may happen that it I would find it completely fine talking and educating him about sex.
Read moreI think being open about it from a young age is very good. Of course I would talk to my child about it age appropriately. Kids are curious, and being open about it helps them to be open about it to you at an older age as well. Because it's a totally normal thing that is nothing to be embarassed about! When talking to a teenager, boy or girl, I would explain the biological part of sex (pregnancy and how to prevent it) but I would also teach about consent. There always has to be enthusiastic consent from the other party and yourself. In doubt, just don't do it. I think it's especially important to teach this.
Read morei think you should ask him first about whether his friends already have girlfriends, and if he is attached with anyone special. before jumping to the sex part, start talking normally about things such as going out on dates and so on. tell him that you know he is a mature guy and when the time comes, depending on how much attached he is with someone, he should take safety precautions and make sure there is no risk to health, or the chance of a pregnancy. these words may seem big and difficult to talk with, but trust me, once you start talking openly, your son will be happy and open to discuss more.
Read moreI would make sure he understand and is knowledgable about the productive organs and how it works first before talking to him about sex with partners and its advantage and disadvantages just so it won't be awkard haha. I won't be too serious and talk talk to him just like my buddy. And i'll point it out to him that safe is always better than sorry, that I trust him, and that I hope I raised him right that he will be a gentle and responsible man. ^
Read moreIf its happening, you are not going to be able to stop this, so better to approach this head on and get it out in the open (however embarrassing). Your kid(s) should appreciate this approach - at least later on in life. And knowing in yourself you have shared quality advice will give you (more) peace of mind than worrying that things are going on behind your back.
Read moreHi Rajani, Hope are you well. I think every child is different and their understanding and knowledge about SEX therefore will be in different levels. Why don’t you ask him first what he has already know and what would he wants to know? I am sure he will be beneficial from your talk. If you need anything else, I am happy to help 😊
Read moreI tell him straight that having sex without protection is liable to get the girl pregnant. I also discuss the repercussions of early parenthood and how that will affect his future, the girl’s future and the kid’s future. Having said that, I also tell him he can only have a girlfriend once he can earn his own money.
Read morei also have daughters so not sure how to talk about it to a son. but maybe you could ask your hubby to step in here and talk about sex to your son? i think it is easier for mothers and daughters to discuss this than fathers and sons, but i am sure your hubby will find a sensible and practical way to do it.
Read moreHave his doctor explain why it is important to have safe sex. Unless you have a man who is willing to explain it to them because it may be too embarrassing for him to have a female that he doesn't believe that you know what he is going through.
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