HELP!!! Im feeling very upset that i accidentally cut my lil's finger while cutting her nails. Blood came out and she was crying. What can i do to heal her finger fast? Thanks

Hi mommy, accidents happen sometime. If you safe lavender essential oil, apply on the open wound. Lavender oil can heal it wound faster and at the same time can calm your baby down. For your information, lavender oil also known as swiss army knife! On top of that, lavender oil has others benefits too. You can Google it out. If you interested, please Look for safe and pure Lavender oil. Apply it together with Fractionated coconut oil! Do let me know if you want to know more about the oil. I could recommend to you.
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Use Saline solution (can buy from Guardian ... only 10cents for one small disposable bottle) to clean. Helps to disinfect the wound. Then I Guess a plaster to prevent infection ?
How bad is the cut? Do you have a photo? if it's just like a pinch cut, it's ok. Babies are super hardy and they heal A LOT faster than adults!
You can try and get some cream or solution from the pharmacy. Check with the pharmacist. Your baby will be fine(:
Use hand sanitizer It will stop the bleeding
Try aloe vera gel