Trim Finger Nails

After birth LO nails very sharp. When can I start to trim LO finger nails?

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Super Mum

As long as you feel confident to trim/cut the nails, you can do so. You can consider nail filer if you are afraid of cutting the baby. Do it when baby is sleeping.

i trim when she was just a week old its safe unkess you can make her wear mittens at all times

you can try to trim when they are sleeping n do put mitten on else they can scratch their face

Anytime coz LO’s nails will grow very fast and to prevent them from scratching themselves

VIP Member

I put on mittens for LO for first 2 months. Only started to cut nails after...

Super Mum

Any time you feel comfortable but try to use a file to file it down first

Hi, I started cutting nails after 1st month but with rounded scissors

Super Mum

I let Lo wear mittens for the first month and trim after that.

VIP Member

Actually by second, third week can start to trim

VIP Member

Trimmed after 1 month with rounded scissors.