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Hi. It is better to consult your doctor on this matter. You might want to check out this article for helpful info. https://my.theasianparent.com/uri-dibawah-plasenta-previa?utm_source=article-top&utm_medium=copy&utm_campaign=article-share Hope everything goes well for you and your baby!

If I were you.. I wouldn't go for the wedding. Time can't turn back if anything goes wrong. Listen to your mom advice. She knows the best for you mommy to be😘

Please consult with your doctor. He or she is the one who knows your pregnancy condition to the fullest :) congrats on your pregnancy.

thank u for ur advise.. i did consult my gynae he said it was ok for me to go.. but my mum is restricting from going.. i am so lost now.. sigh.. 🙁

For me personally, I would skip this wedding. Wish you all the best and prays so our pregnancy goes well :)

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