travelling with plasenta pervia

we are having a friends wedding this weekend.. will require us to drive for 2 to 3 hrs.. i am curently 16 weeks preggo n had some bleeding last week.. but its all good now that the bleeding has stop.. i am looking forward to go for this wedding.. need your advise..

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Hi. It is better to consult your doctor on this matter. You might want to check out this article for helpful info. Hope everything goes well for you and your baby!

Baca lagi

If I were you.. I wouldn't go for the wedding. Time can't turn back if anything goes wrong. Listen to your mom advice. She knows the best for you mommy to be😘

Please consult with your doctor. He or she is the one who knows your pregnancy condition to the fullest :) congrats on your pregnancy.

5y ago

thank u for ur advise.. i did consult my gynae he said it was ok for me to go.. but my mum is restricting from going.. i am so lost now.. sigh.. 🙁

For me personally, I would skip this wedding. Wish you all the best and prays so our pregnancy goes well :)