Drinking fizzy drink during pregnancy

Hi. Do u guys drink fizzy drink like coke, pepsi when pregnant? Cause that the only drink i can swallow. But i eill only limit it to one can a day. Is it ok?

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Have to limit as there’s caffeine n also they are sweet. Might cause GD. So better limit.

maybe u can try coke with no sugar. it taste quite like the normal coke with sugar.

VIP Member

Need to limit amount as it contain caffeine which is not good for pregnancy.

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Best to avoid, but if you really crave for it, in moderation please(:

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Once a day is also quite a lot. Maybe try 2-3 days once.

Moderation is the key... but i do let me wife have some

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twice a week at least...cant stay away frm datt

Not too much moderation is the key

I drink it like once a month

Super Mum

Should be ok if controlled