Old wives tale?

My grandma doesn't allow me to take photo of my baby when she is sleeping. Reason was because 1. The soul leaves the body when baby is sleeping. 2. Baby will be 'mentally' slow in the future. I don't believe in such things. But I don't want to go against her. So I just kept quiet. Just curious... Anyone believe such things?

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VIP Member

I've heard that before. But my phone is full of pics of my sleepy babies 😂

My family also believes in similar stuff. I just respect that and follow

VIP Member

I dun believe tho? I did take pic of my baby when he's sleeping

VIP Member

This is a very popular old wives tale!(:

VIP Member

Dont take in front of ur grandma then

Super Mum

Tell grandma don't think too much

Super Mum

Best to avoid such superstitions


Not believe 😅