Ask the Expert: Fix your postpartum body
To end the month of June, we have a special Ask the Expert Session in line with world incontinence week, with the purpose to raise awareness of bladder weakness, pelvic pain and other debilitating conditions 😯 Our Expert Cheryl Han, Director and Lead Consultant in Orchard Clinic, will be answering all your questions on managing incontinence and urinary leakage after pregnancy 👩🏻💻 So don't forget to leave those burning questions in the comments section below!

Hi Mummies! Looking forward to addressing any questions you might have regarding Postpartum Incontinence. This week is Global Continence Week – don't be shy and ask away. You can also get more information from Orchard Clinic: and follow us: FB: IG:
Read moreHi! I’m currently 13 months postpartum but still looking like 4-5 months pregnant in my tummy. I wasn’t religious about wearing a binder after my caesarean. Is that the cause of a huge tummy? I’m really upset to hear comments about it. How do I know if it’s just fats or a medical issue?
hi, I am 11 days postpartum. May I know should I wear a abdominal binder after normal vaginal delivery?
Hey dr. Thank you for the session, I find it very difficult to hold my pee, what should I do?
Hi Kushboo, see from your profile that you're pregnant now – congrats! There are a few factors that may make you feel like it's difficult to hold your pee. If you're pregnant, there is a lot of weight/pressure placed on your pelvic floor muscles, which supports your bladder. What you can do is to perform some pelvic floor/kegel exercises – this helps to better support bladder control, and also allows you to develop better control over your pelvic floor to prepare you for labour and childbirth.
I leak occasionally and not all the time, does it usually come and go away?
Some mummies may feel like urinary leakage/stress incontinence comes and goes away – however it is important to know that there should not be any form of urinary leakage at all, no matter how frequent or how small/large the amount of leak. Experiencing urinary leakage indicates that the pelvic floor muscles are weak and unable to support healthy bladder control.
What are some recommendations you have for us to do at home?
Pelvic floor exercises, kegel exercises, Yoga/Pilates are all great ways to strengthen the pelvic floor muscles. These muscles are important in supporting the bladder to prevent and treat Stress Incontinence.
What treatment options are available for incontinence?
Treatment can be as simple and low intensity as performing Kegel / Pelvic Floor exercises. This however, requires discipline to do it regularly and understanding on how to engage the right muscles. Today's medical technology has advanced such that there are very high intensity, non-surgical treatments to help us rapidly strengthen the pelvic floor. You can find out more from Orchard Clinic's treatment. When conservative methods of treating stress incontinence don't work, surgery may be an option.
What exercise can I do to help with incontinence?
You can do pelvic floor exercises, these could be simple floor work such as yoga and pilates. Try googling 'pelvic floor exercises' and you'll be able to find lots of online exercises.
Your clinic could reduce the DR gap completely?
Hi there, we would have to assess your condition to advise, but yes, we do treat DR at Orchard Clinic. You can WhatsApp us at +65 9061 0945 :)
Can I still wear tampon if I have incontinence?
Yes, there shouldn't be any issue
Principal Consultant at Orchard Clinic, a specialised centre for postpartum recovery