Just felt like ranting a bit. When I was pregnant, a particular aunt of my hubby's loved to touch me. She is in her 50s and has a 25yo son of her own. I am not at all close to her but she kept patting my baby bump expectedly. She even stroked my butt and placed her hands and slide down fr the side of my waist down to my hips! At my baby's full month celebration, she actually came up to me to say "you still need to work hard and slim down abit more" when in fact the whole world was politely lamenting that I have shrunk and gone back almost to my pre-pregnancy size! Recently at a family gathering (when baby was 5mo), the first thing she did when she saw me, was to check me out from head to toe and comment, ok you slimmed down?! Like seriously?! She is not slim herself and does not run a modelling agency nor a gym nor a bootcamp. Why can't these people keep their hands to themselves and keep their mouth shut?

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I would ignore her first time and maybe the second time. Afterwhich if it happens again ill tell her to stop. She may not know that you are uncomfortable. Perhaps it would be good helpful to voice out or if you rather not, avoid her? Lol.

8y ago

Hubby asked me to endure.. and I wanted to avoid her. But she always spring surprise on me at family gatherings. I already try very hard to steer clear. she will find her way to touch me somehow or pass remarks. Nvm After ranting I feel better...