2 Replies

Hi, have you changed the teats yet? Could be that reason. Else it is very normal to experience intermittent milk strikes. My son especially always like this few days following his vaccinations. He’ll be really good for 2-3 weeks and then the cycle starts again. Best thing to do in this situation is to wait for them to calm down before feeding again, may take multiple tries and frequent but lesser amount per session to hit their daily intake but it’s doable. I’ll also try not to force feed as it may create even further bottle aversions in future. Good luck I’m sure it’ll pass!

Super Mum

Hey mama, She could be fussing because she could be going through a growth spurt. How about trying lots of skin to skin and just latch all the way? It’ll be tiring but it might soothe her… it’ll also help give your breastmilk supply a boost

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