33 weeks pregnant now & husband suddenly suggesting if we should change hospital.

Feeling really disappointed and upset with my husband. Since the beginning we have always decided on going private hospital to deliver and we are very comfortable with our private gynae at this point now. Today, he shared with me that his female friend told him that going to subsidy hospital is so much cheaper and c-section is a breeze for her. He asked me if I could consider that route which I strongly do not want to. Prior to this conversation it has been a sting in my heart every now and then he will bring up c-sect even though I told him I do not want to do c-sect if possible. His reasoning is cos he is afraid that we will incur additional fees if I can’t deliver naturally after trying. Though I’m trying to be very understanding to his points cos we are struggling financially but I can’t help to feel that he cares about his pocket more than my wellbeing. I’ve always put him first, sacrificing my body to grant him the wish to have a complete family yet he keeps thinking about what is more wallet friendly. It’s really disappointing…

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Hi mummy, I understand that you would like to do natural birth rather than c-sec in a private hospital. That's what I plan to do as well and my husband also very recently asked if I should consider doing c-sec too. To which I told him I will still opt for natural birth unless my gynae tells me the baby is too big and my only option is c-sec. He accepted my choice. Have you and your husband enquired aboit the delivery charges at the private hospital of your interest yet? And whether they will charge you for both natural birth and c-sec if cannot deliver naturally? Additionally, if you make the switch to give birth in a government hospital, your private gynae may not be able to deliver your baby for you.

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