13 Replies

hi. I am borderline GD too at 24weeks GTT. im 28weeks this week too. was told to test blood glucose twice a week with diet diary. I'm also hungry most of the time especially 2hrs after meal. I try to snack healthier like nuts, milk and take food that are lower GI, read the package infor for low GI indicator. there are many fruits you can take that are non sugar like guava, avocado etc. portion your carbs intake is more impt. i stopped all suagry drinks (coke was my must drink in the past) the moment i failed my GTT. if you really cannot take it, then eat what you want for that one meal or one snack and go back to the GD diet. don't over stress yourself, we need to have some cheat meals here and there. I'm also worried about baby development but seems like other mummies eventually gave birth to a healthy weight baby too. all the best, its doable, just need more adjustment and you will be fine.

Hi mommy im a FTM and was diagnosed wif GDM as well. I was even on oral meds and insulin as I try to follow the diet but most of the time i crave for food. I delivered my baby at 38 weeks weighing 3.4kg. Now my baby is doing well. He is now 4.4kg. U can actually eat anything as long its not too much. I avoided oily food esp those fried once.

Eat 5x a day and measure your food. I usually eat half cup of rice, 1cup of veggies, small portion of chicken or pork, slice of fruits and lot of water. I no longer eat pasta ice cream cake🥲 because i really dont want to put my baby at risk. I always check my sugar, before breakfast, after an hour of breakfast, after lunch, after an hour of dinner.

Me too. What I do is eat more dark green veggies, tofu etc. always eat wholemeal bread/ Meiji oat biscuits with Low fat cheese. Keeps me full and my blood sugar balanced. I also stopped unhealthy drinks and drink more plain water. Cheat meals once in awhile and then walk after meals to keep active and blood sugar under control.

VIP Member

for my first preg, i got gd too. but i didnt follow the diet. but i eat healthy and some not healthy also, but rlly nothing will happen w the baby. just dont eat alot of oily foods and eat alot of fruits, veggies.

same here, 28 weeks diagnosed w/ GD. Eat small frequent meals with high in fiber and less carbs to avoid blood sugar spikes, it's okay to snack from time to time as long as you're eating healthy foods.

Me too, and I actually lose weight following the diet, not sure if it will affects my baby, I lose about 3 kg in a month as I'm currently week 29

My diet consists of carb, protein, and veggies. For carb I ate wholegrain, sweet potato and potato, protein wise I ate lean meat, chicken, tofu, edamame, and eggs. veggies all kinds of varieties.

VIP Member

Snack on food that makes you feel fuller longer like hard boiled egg

GD diet doesn’t mean you need to starve urself. Eat healthy foods.

same issue here. I was even asked to stop drinkin maternity milk as well

Also was told by my private gynae to stop eating certain fruits like watermelon as it contains lots of sugar even though it's natural sweetness! Dun understand the logic at times! I m feelin quite weak n tired after controlling all the food i used to consume even though i was particular in sugar intake. I used to consume all with low sugar yet had diabetes.

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