Never give seat to pregnant
Ever since im pregnant and now at 9 months with a VISIBLY HUGE ASS bump, still working, i always have to stand in the bus, not a single person care to give me seat. They will just act like theyre dying or they will just give me that look. Ya understand everybody is tired and wants to seat, but it wont kill you if youre healthy, be it young or old, to give a seat to a VERY pregnant lady. It always frustrates me so much. Esp when bus drivers like to jam break or keep braking and you always need to stand in the bus. And you baby’s life is like depending on your strength to hold the pole firmly. Some likes to seat at the outer side of the seat with no one at window seat, and still dont bother to make way or give the seat. #FTM

i think we pregnant Mamas are able to relate on this issue. i think this country has little to no empathy anymore. my tummy wasn't big even at 9 months (but obvious la pls.....) and yet throughout, barely anyone gave up their seats. and i ABSOLUTELY hate the fact that when i have already given birth, suddenly the world looks at you and even the elderly sacrifices their seats. i'd usually reject cuz i feel like it's self-avenge (i honestly don't know why, i'm still angry HAHAH). pregnancy women need their seats more than me WHERE WERE YALL WHEN I NEEDED THEM 😮💨 but yknow what, i feel like we pregnant ladies are always there for one another. and empathy only reached out to people with babies. (and i really meant babies). some people do stare at me for not seating down (when i'm pregnant and right now with a child) but i don't care. i let them judge the people sitting down instead HAHAHAH
Read moreUnfortunately there’s nothing we can do unless Singapore gov makes it a permanent law to give seats to needys with fine and jail term (repeated) which is highly impossible. 🤷♀️ I once had to stand during peak hours on a bus, the bus jammed break and everyone was falling towards my direction causing my tummy to be squished towards the board (luckily got cushion) cause I was trying to use my body to shield. I was 8.5m pregnant then, it was a scary experience, lucky baby is fine. Thru out my entire pregnancy, it is always the elderly who gave up their seats and insisted me to take it. 😮💨
Read moreUnfortunately tt's the reality. Twice I actually offered my seat (tt time 4-5 months pregnant) to other moms who looked like they're abt to pop. I didn't look so pregnant yet but 1 of them asked me if I was and she paiseh didn't want to sit but I insisted to give her cz she poor thing carrying so many things. Other people including sch teenagers just ignored. And that mom said out loud to me how grateful she was and said only fellow mom understands how hard it is unlike others who are blind 😅Other ppl turned to her when she said tt 😆
Read moreThe reality now is, no matter how big our baby bump is we won’t be able to expect ppl to offer seat to us.. They don’t snatch for u and tell u go e other priority seat wait consider very “kind” already.. I once, one auntie jolly know I was pregnant but instead of giving me the seat she told me e above.. 🙄🙄🙄🙄 and another time one auntie just knocked directly to my baby bump until I almost lost balance and everyone around me scolded her den guess what she replied? “ohh I didn’t know you pregnant! Sorry ar!!” 🤬🤬🤬🤬
Read moreHi mummy, same thing happened to me too. There was one time the bus jam break and i lost my grip and my whole weight was on the person standing next to me, some saw me with big tummy but still refused to give up their seats. Ended up one macik gave up her seat and insisted me to seat down. Felt so bad for the poor macik. Now what i will do is, if i take bus from interchange, i will purposely sit at the priority seat and board the bus before everyone. Heck care with all the stares. They don't care abt you, why must u care abt them
Read morewhenever I take public transport (be it bus or train), I simply just ask the person sitting on priority seat if I could take their seat while aggressively rubbing my belly. even if the person is sleeping or playing on their phone I just tap them and ask. so far 100% I've had a seat for every ride, never ever had to stand 😅 the thing is Singaporeans are so thin skin that they will never reject a direct request to give up their seat, so rly just ask and don't wait for ppl to give up their seat!
Read moreI have one incident, especially in the lrt. I was carrying my toddler's bag, pregnant 25 weeks, and my toddler was like hugging my hips as a pole. None of them gave way to me. So when the lrt break, I acted accidentely sat down on a person on the priority seat. My tummy was already big still "Tsk!" me. I speak up loudly,"You Tsk me for what, I'm pregnant, normal to lose balance. Some more with my kid holding me. You cannot see ah?" The person immediately stand up and let me sit.
Read more5 months in, my bump is obvious only if I wear body fitting clothes. I have tried standing in front of reserved seat several times and cough cough* to get attention...didn't work 😅 So I switched to practicing some courage several times to ask directly for a seat for my own and bb's safety. It's harder for a person to reject if they are confronted directly due to societal pressure. After getting a seat, it makes me feel less frustrated and happier :)
Read moreThese days so hard to get seat for pregnant mummies 😅 some even race with you (not pregnant ones, some elderly who is not so elderly and look healthy). lol. we can hope for a seat or just try our best if get a seat then we are lucky enough. worse is during my third trimester in a crowded train ppl will just keep moving backwards and I had to tell them off like hey look at my tummy stop moving already. now my bb has popped even baby wearing still no seat. 🥲 jialat!
Read moreAbsolutely loved the 'Never Give Seat to Pregnant' video! This important message highlights the need for everyone to be considerate and empathetic towards pregnant individuals on public transportation. It's a reminder that small acts of kindness can make a big difference in someone's day. Kudos to the creators for spreading awareness and encouraging positive change! 30%Off Halloween Sale:
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