Never give seat to pregnant

Ever since im pregnant and now at 9 months with a VISIBLY HUGE ASS bump, still working, i always have to stand in the bus, not a single person care to give me seat. They will just act like theyre dying or they will just give me that look. Ya understand everybody is tired and wants to seat, but it wont kill you if youre healthy, be it young or old, to give a seat to a VERY pregnant lady. It always frustrates me so much. Esp when bus drivers like to jam break or keep braking and you always need to stand in the bus. And you baby’s life is like depending on your strength to hold the pole firmly. Some likes to seat at the outer side of the seat with no one at window seat, and still dont bother to make way or give the seat. #FTM

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Unfortunately there’s nothing we can do unless Singapore gov makes it a permanent law to give seats to needys with fine and jail term (repeated) which is highly impossible. 🤷‍♀️ I once had to stand during peak hours on a bus, the bus jammed break and everyone was falling towards my direction causing my tummy to be squished towards the board (luckily got cushion) cause I was trying to use my body to shield. I was 8.5m pregnant then, it was a scary experience, lucky baby is fine. Thru out my entire pregnancy, it is always the elderly who gave up their seats and insisted me to take it. 😮‍💨

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