My baby is turning 8 months in 12 days or so, and I'm weaning off breastfeeding soon. May I know if we still need to add in additional probiotics drops into baby's formula milk? Additionally, I'll like to ask if anyone knows the difference between NAN Optipro VS NAN Optipro HA? Thank you in advance! #ftm #probiotics
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Is it wrong to feel like u need 3d2n off from ur bb?
My lo is now going 3mths old...she is in the phase where she cannot be away from mummy... She wans full attention frm me, even when she is asleep, once she sense im nt by her side, she will start wailing and wakes up... These few days i feel pain in my abdorminal, had emergency c-sec when giving birth... im tired..but when told my husband...he said its NOT that tiring looking aft lo... Problem is..he is onli with her 2~3hrs till he goes to bed... and doesnt wake up to feed night milk...even on his day off...he doesnt fully take care of the bb... I hope im not a bad mommy to feel like i need day off frm my bb.. #FTM
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Are they really a necessity? I’ve been thinking over the past few months if I should get one because part of me thinks it’s super pricey. Most of my girlfriends who just delivered a couple of months back have one and suggested that I get one for convenience. I need some serious evidence that it’s worth the purchase! And like other products, there’s a whole bunch of brands to choose from. I’m so helpless. 🥲 #FTM
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I’m in a bind! Does it matter if I get an export set or one which comes with one year international warranty ($230) from a local distributor with two years local warranty ($270)? Pretty much set on getting this model already, was just wondering if there’s a huge difference between the two. Any mummies have some experience to share whilst using either? Thanks in advance! 🌻 #FTM
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