18 Balas
i had the whole day sickness. hehehe... just try to find something that can comfort the sickness, like certain foods or certain smell. for me, i can make it a little bit less when i eat watermelon and pear.
I had evening sickness in the first month.. try drink honey + virgin coconut oil it can help u too sleep better..if not drink warm honey before sleep is also really good.
I had it tooo!!!! Loya and pening bila suami blk kerja😪😪😪 then i am very choosy with my dinner. Huh
My morning sickness is everyday. Not count as morning or evening. Morning til night. 😢
morning sickness is just a term. it can happen anytime of the day
me too petang lepas asar mula la meloya itu belum ke tandas setiap masa. 😣
I have morning sickness and evening for almost 3 months but no up to serious.
sama lah...pukul 4petang bermulalah mual, loya, pening... semua adaaa
saya! pagi petang malam semua rasa. Petang lepas asar paling teruk sekali.
Liu Janet