Rase takut dan nervous

Due saye dah dekat tetibe rase takut pulak nak bersalin 🥹 Ade ibu2 yang rase same macam saye tak ? Macam mane korang handle rase takut tu ?

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jujur kata. sy ni first mom..tp alhamdulillah.lgsung Allah xbg rasa takut bila fikirkan psl LR.dia mcm,.go with the flow je...sy pn mcm hrp baby masih dlm rahim smpailah nk masuk 37w ..bkn x excited utk dpt anak tp syok bwk baby dlm rahim..teman sepjg masa hheehe.. bila dh smpai masa nk bersalin, baru set dlm ht :ok this Is the timE'...NK Xnk kena lalui..mghrpkan prosesnya cpt dan mudah

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9mo ago

hehehh btul2.. nikmatnya lahaiii.baby first always special.;)