Bird nest
Do you drink bird nest during pregnancy? Instant or home cooked? Any brand that you recommend?

Home cooked ones are better. The ready made ones contains higher sugar and not so much bird nest as well. Get it from TCM shop and ask them for recommendation for the frequency of wating. It should be 1-2 time per month after first trimester. Cannot take too much (ie:everyday) as it will be too cooling for baby and causes asthma to baby later
Read moreZTP got those really mini bottles, expensive (like 6 tiny bottles for $99 if I’m not wrong) but inside is really full of bird nest one. Not like others, inside got a lot of water but bits n pieces of bird nest only!
Home cooked one is the best. Those instant contain additive or high sugar content which is not good for baby.
Home cooked one definitely. Those instant ones contain too much sugar. But I didn't drink during pregnancy
I had home cooked ones starting after 5 months pregnancy.. twice a week..
Home cooked ones are better. The ready made ones are full of sugar.
I'm drinking instant ones. I was advised not to take often.
I will get those instant. As dunno how to cook
My tcm says 7 mth onwards then drink 😅
Home cook but moderately.