16 Replies
Most food are OK to eat and won't get transferred to the milk. However I would still restrict any alcohol and eat more balanced diet. Some food will affect the breast milk supply as well
There’s almost no restrictions on food; however, try to skip on alcohol, No matter how minute the alcohol that goes into your bloodstream, which gets carried into your BM.
yes yes yes. It definitely affect baby whatever you eat. it transferred to breastmilk. spicy food, my baby got stomach ache; cold drink, my baby stomach gassy.
You can pretty much eat anything. Like the others mentioned except alcohol. And for some babies, caffeine as well. Just in moderation.
Think so. My baby had sore throat and lost his voice after I ate mangoes...
YES. I ate the samyang spicy mala noodles and noticed my lo had diarrhea!
Yes. I ate chocolate and bf my baby she got diarrhoea.
There's no food restrictions ehen breastfeeding
no i eat everything, moderation is the key
I thk can eat everything