Do you ask for personal money from your husband/partner? I'm a SAHM and he lives abroad even before we had a baby. When I got pregnant, he asked me to stop working but the thing is I hate this kind of feeling that I have to depend on him when it comes to money. I've been very independent before having a baby and now, I feel like I can't buy whatever I want. How do you deal with this?

We're on the same both mommy. I have to stopped working to take care of my baby, I have online store and online job but income is not on a regular basis just like when I used to work in the office, plus it's not that much, I must say just enough for groceries. So I have to ask money from my partner for some of my personal needs, I feel ashamed and not comfortable with it maybe because we are not legally married yet so I think he has no obligation to me, just to our daughter only. But he keeps on assuring me it's okay, he would tell me not to worry about our expenses because he is working very hard for us and he is very happy and thankful I'm the one taking care of our baby. But still I try my best to contribute even a little, I would sell some of our pre-loved items that we are not using, just stored in our cabinet. I also try to cut down expenses especially for myself, I will just buy if I badly need it, if not I will just wait for some time until I have personal money to buy things for myself.
Read moreI understand how you feel. I'm currently on sabbatical for the last 2 years (ending soon, thank goodness, never again!) and being so used to earning my own income and having alot of spending power, I do feel sad about the state of my income but never enough to ask from my partner. Since he is paying for all the big bills for now, even if I have difficulties with my own expenses, I will not and have not asked him -- I find a way out (usually through freelance work or part time work). Not because he won't help or anything like that, more of my ego and pride. I have earned my own money since 17 and I just cannot bring myself to ask him for money even if he says it's okay :(
Read moreAll stay-at-home-moms go through this feeling one time or the other. I think the key is to pursue your hobbies or interest and pick up some skill based courses that would help you earn your pocket money atleast. You should take up some work from home options or some online business and it will boost your confidence and will also keep you happy.
Read moreMy former boss shared to me his set up with his wife. He has been the breadwinner since they had their youngest child. What he does is he gives a portion of his salary to his wife as an "allowance or gift" for taking good care of the kids and the household. That is apart from what he gives to his wife as budget for the family. His wife's allowance is none of his business anymore. She can spend it wherever she wants and she can even give it to her family because it's her own money according to my boss. From that money, his wife is also able to save to buy gifts for them during special occasions. :)
Read moreyes. its very tough to ask for personal money from husband. so end up i cut down the expenses on buying my own stuffs but use excuses to buy for children. hee... but then i still do business online to get small income. at least i can share the burden with my husband and also get to pamper myself with food. not easy but luckily i do have savings before i quitted my job. when i have the free time, i really go out to do part time job in office. at least it help me to keep myself sane.
Read moreI see myself in the analogy of Charm, my husband is like that. He gives me an amount which I can choose to spend or not. But still, I have those thoughts as yours. Sometimes I deprived myself of what I really want because Im ashamed to spend money which I didn't earned. I only spend if he's with me, for our child's needs and our needs as a family. Well, I try to find home-based jobs but he didn't allow me to work (I guess for now that we still have a toddler).
Read moreYes, it will be tough if asking personal money from husband. For me, I have to cut down all the unnecessary spend, list out my priority items every month. So, I won't be spending those are not in the list. I feel this is a good way as won't over spend. Besides, also working on my online handmade business to earn small income as pocket money. Whenever I have "extra money" in that particular month, I will pamper myself with something that I like.
Read moreHi Mommy! I would say you're blessed to have a husband that provides for his family. I guess he just wanted to fulfill his job for your family. Confinement is really hard for a working mom at first but once you get the hang of it youd realize it's more fulfilling seeing your little ones grow.. I suggest why not make the most out of your time by earning at home and be a work at home mom?:)
Read moreYes, it seems that it is really hard to ask for money from your husband (especially if you're like me who is pretty prideful. Lol.) but you can't do much about it since he was the one who suggested you stop working. May I suggest that if you really hate the feeling of asking for money you should try and convince your hubby to let you work again. Even if it is just home based. :)
Read moreEven though my husband stays w sg... But i feel exactly e same way as u feel.. And my husband always reminds me tt we are husband and wife... And tt we always have e right to each other money...especially mine to sometimes... I try to be "thickface" amd ask him fer money... Onli tt if i really need to...
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