is cot really necessary?

Not necessary. My 1st born co-sleep with me from newborn until now she's alrdy 2 years old. It's easier for me to attend to her bck in those days where she's still a baby & would wake up in the middle of the night. She's been sleeping thru the night since 6 months old up till now. Again, it's up to individual whether they need the cot or not.
Read moreI dont think it is. Bought one and only used it during day time naps when the baby was still really young. My child has been co-sleeping till 19 months now. Of course you'd have to ensure a safe surrounding for him but it has helped me bond with him and no hassle of having to wake up and pick him up etc
Read moreUseful as baby gets older ba. Mine hates being in her own bed, lovess to be carried to sleep. Although cant blame her bcos she’s still too young to be sleep trained. Or to be by herself. I guess once she’s able to sleep throughout the night our expensive cot can finally be in good use haha Can avoid the product listed above
Definitely helps! But I have friends who co sleep with their babies too, it could be stressful at the beginning in fear of crushing your newborn
In my opinion, yes.. So baby will get used to sleeping on own bed. Anyways, her cot is right next to my bed. So I can easily reach out to her..
Depends on whr u wana put yr baby. We gt a playpen instead so that it cn be lowered down n bby cn play inside while we do chores or something..
Yes. You can let baby play inside the cot while you bath or doing other things without worry that they will fall out
Just standby as one day u need it.. maybe now u might not use it that much but soon when baby grows older u need it
It’s safer to place baby in cot as compared to cosleep. But co sleeping is easier. 😅