15 Replies

My DD has acne and eczema. Went to Polyclinic and doc prescribed her with hydrocortisone cream. We have finished using the cream and doesnt seem like its getting better. Her eczema is on and off due to her drooling. We tried applying Suu Balm, initially it gets better however she will fuss nowadays when we try to apply. She doesnt like the cool menthol feel i guess. Previously we have tried Aveeno baby, Jorubi Aloe Vera and it caused she her to have very bad episodes. I realised she might be allergic/sensitive to oil based creams. Lately we tried applying Drapolene diaper cream onto her eczema areas and indeed it gets better. It has antiseptics and prevents bacteria from growing and helps soothing. You may give it a try by applying on a small affected area as a test patch.

Yup, is cream. :)

My LO is having the same condition too, it comes and goes and we are currently only wiping with cooled boiled water too. His skin started to flake over the weekend, guess it's time to start the moisturiser again. We too have strangers coming up and saying odd things... But one kind grandfather told my husband not to worry, it clears up after awhile because his grandson's skin did, after 1 year... What I can't stand is within the families and the relatives implying we are not cleaning his face right, so fed up I wanted to answer back why not they come do it then... Or worse, "eeee why the skin like that?" Why are there such relatives on this earth?

Indeed, you are not alone! Let's ignore those buggers because we mommies are doing the absolute best we can for our LOs 😘

VIP Member

My son used to have such skin problems too, what helped was cetaphil. We changed his entire bath > skin moisturiser. (We were using j&j baby at first) Now using cetaphil baby wash and also AD Pro which are suitable for babies from 3 mths onwards. His skin used to be very dry & flaky, went to polyclinic and they gave steriod and advised it dermatitis (we didnt apply th cream given eventually as we wanted to try out other options first). I know how you feel bout people's comments, they should really know how to keep th comments to themslves.

My son had atopic dermatitis from.birth to 1 year old. He was on steriod then apply moisturizer after. but once it cleared up we just used moisturizer like ceredan or sebamed. My second one had very mild i sometime use breastmilk too in the morning and ceredan or sebamed at night time. My sons ezcema before is pretty much same as your baby. Its red and someone patch dry skin. Dont rely too much on steriod. I remember applying atopic cream (morning only) then top it with ceredan. Your son is beautiful :)

VIP Member

My girl’s eczema was worse than this at some point. It got worse because I only wiped her face and neck with cooled boiled water without applying moisturiser so the skin dried and cracked and got infected. Went to the pd and was given 0.05 % hydrocortisone and was told to continue wiping her face after every feed and never forget to moisturise. We only applied the steroid twice and it really went away. We continued with the wiping and moisturising routine and so far, no flare ups.

Sorry, accidentally deleted your reply. I used Cetaphil AD Pro.

VIP Member

I feel you. People said because my breastmilk is “dirty” that’s why the toxin got transferred to my daughter 🙄 I started using mustela no rinse toner. It really helped for me. I cheated previously and used steroids for almost 2 weeks because I wanted her acne to clear for her full month party 🙊 but yes her skin got sooo reliant on it, when we stopped using it, it flared up. You can try using the mustela no rinse toner

Oh dear. Why would anyone say that of your breastmilk. How rude can they be :( sure i will give it a try! Thank you soo much for replying.

Super Mum

My daughter eczema was worst than this when she is younger (cheeks & arm fold). Went for seminar, talk, tried many different brand of moisturizer. I applied steroid cream & cetaphil pro (brand needs to try & error). Only never go for skin pricked test. You need to know what causes it to flare & try to minimize it. She is now 4yo. I'm still using steroid cream (only when she flare) & moisturizer on her every day & night.

& yess! I feel so helpless and will cry too. So poor thing their skin will be all red and patchy :( worst is when relatives keep giving opinions and all. Oh wow oat bath. Will look up on that! :)

VIP Member

Hello Noor, congratulations on your healthy baby. Sometimes eczema could be passed down via genetics. I understand the rude comments. Just tell them alhamdulillah, my baby is healthy. As a mummy, follow your heart. I have been reliant to steroids as well and people will always have things to say. Listen to your heart and your Dr advice. In Shah Allah, all will be fine. You are doing great, mama.

Thank you my dear! You made me smile reading your reply. Alhamdulillah syukur! Thank you for the advice :) ❤️❤️

Super Mum

Try using ceradan everyday. don't let ppl touch bby face and if bby is off mitten, wipe bby hands regularly as bby will touch their face. I have bad eczema, i use to rely on steroid but for bby please dont. Bby skin will get thin and thinner and end up will bleed easily.

Hello Danial’s Mummy! Thank you for replying. Sure will check out ceradan. And yess omg my son love to stuff his hands in his mouth. Maybe thats the cause of it too! Will be more attentive on this. Yes agree on steroid cream. It makes it more dry.


Hi mummy you can try using ceradan. It works for my babies. They have very bad ezcema one period. After steroid cream I apply ceradan. After it recovers, I spam alobaby first and ceradan 30 min later. For about 2 weeks my babies skin totally clear currently using alobaby only.

Hi mummy J! Aww sure i will try ceradan. I saw it at watsons yesterday! Thank you for replying :)

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