Gestational Diabetes at wk 28

Just to check if any mums with GD experience with this? I am trying to check my blood sugar daily. But out of 3 meals a day usually will have one meal that slightly exceeds 6.5 (max range after food, taken 2hrs after meal). Is reading 6.8-7.0 for that exceeding meal bad for baby development? I’m trying hard and is very hungry but I still have problem getting every meal below 6.5… Please help..

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Hello! I was also diagnosed with GDM. I realised that sometimes its not the food I ate (eg no carbs) but also how the food was cooked that played a part. Fried food especially is a no no… A sample breakfast meal for me would be low GI bread (life saver for carb lover like me) + no sugar peanut butter. For lunch it would be stir frying my own veggie salad, boil sweet potatoes for carbs and have chicken breast/beef for protein. Ofc portion wise, more veg, protein, followed by carbs the least. Its good if you can totally cut carbs, but i looovee my carbs so I had to include a little in if not i will eventually crash harder 😂 please dont ever let yourself get hungry- there are plenty of alternative snacks to help. I would rummage through the no sugar shelves at ntuc if i was craving a cookie snack🥲 Otherwise I also snacked on corn thins + cheese spread. Take your time to find out what works for you. I experimented for close to a month to see what combi of food works best, and what food to def avoid! I also started to take short walks after lunch or dinner :) It seems to help, especially when I know Id eaten something that will cause my glucose to spike. My gynae shared that the reason why they monitor GDM so closely is because 1. Baby tends to gain alot more weight when mother has GDM and has it reduces your chances for natural birth as baby may be too big by full term, and 2. Baby may have low blood sugar after birth as he/she was used to producing the high amt of insulin needed to counter your high sugar levels when in utero. But my gynae always says as long as it’s not above 7 persistently, there isnt much of a concern. Jiayou mummy 💪🏻

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3y ago

Thanks a lot! Just finish gynae visit yesterday and he said my chart looks good and I can continue I will be able to give birth naturally at week 40. So I will try my best! Yes I am eating all non sugar peanut better or black sesame spread. Carbs I love but I can eat haha just for 8 wks more.. thanks a lot for your advice and yes I went to buy some no sugar biscuits at the hospital to keep them as snacks for myself.

you can eat more small meals instead of 3 main meals to reduce the intake...that what my doc advise me. I'm a type 2 diebetic so I have to control my diet through the whole pregnancy. so I have been eating small meals instead of 3 main meals and my small meals are usually half of the portion of the usual meals noodle and rice. you can try half portion of main and after that 2 hrs to eat fruits that are low in juices cause high in sugar but fruits like avocado, guava, dragon fruits, kiwi..etc in moderate also....I will sometimes also eat those energy oat bar in half also. cause doc also scare my gal will be too big to deliver so I also dun dare eat too much and instead loses weight during pregnancy. also those maternal milk for diabetic mum forgot which growing well so ok for me and I need to induce at wk 38 cause of my condition and lucky my baby not too big to deliver 😅

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3y ago

Thanks for sharing! I hope you have a smooth delivery and good luck to you!

Hi mummy! I was diagnosed at week 25 and started glucose monitoring at week 27 and omg i can totally relate. There is always that one meal that exceeds 6.6 after 2hrs! I keep a food diary and realise that on days I ate white rice it’ll go way up high. It’s been 2 weeks since, bur my readings are still slightly higher than targeted eventhough I eat brown rice now, pasta on some days and cut on other carbo like potatoes and starchy veggies (which i love 🥲). At the my recent check up doc prescribed me Metformin - it’s only been 2 days since I started but hoping that it’ll work in lowering my sugar level. Jiayou to both of us!

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3y ago

Thanks babe, I try to cut carbs totally from lunch and dinner.. like I order mala Xiang Guo then I just eat 2 mouth of rice but just eat the ingredients. It still will be within 6.6 after 2hrs. You can try to cut the carbs and have a fruit at tea break. We all have to jiayou!

Have you seen a dietician yet? I got diagnosed 2 weeks ago too, and have been monitoring as well. Checked in w my dietician and she say I might be under eating as I’d went to weigh my brown rice intake when cooking at home. I usually eat 80g of brown rice, but she say I can actually eat double of it! But she’s not encouraging me eat double now, and just eat w what I’m comfortable with :) Have a chat with your doctor/dietician and they’ll be able to advise you! :)

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3y ago

They didn’t guide me what to eat but I realized I can’t eat the recommended amount of carbs as it’s just will push my sugar off limits. So apart from breakfast I can have 1.5 to 2 slices of Low GI bread. I basically cut carbs off my lunch and dinner but I eat egg or tofu instead. I feel it works 😊

you may want to keep a food diary to monitor which are the food that give you higher reading after taking. then try to reduce or eliminate them from your diet. I think you are doing a great job. don't have to beat yourself up over that one or two reading. staying happy and positive during pregnancy is also very important, as baby can feel all our emotions.

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I'm now 33 going 34 weeks I have GDM and I can't really eat outside when I eat outside sure spike more than 7. so end up I need to cook my meals... Best is you keep within the range that is recommended for us. As baby grows ur sugar lvl maybe increasing as well. so mornitor what r the food you can eat what r the food you can't. reduce carbo.

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3y ago

Thank you! Yes I am trying hard to remove carbs for lunch & dinner but maybe only Saturday dinner at in law place I don’t measure bcos I feel confirm out of range..

I am also having GD now. I try to keep my carbs portion such as potato, rice, noodles as my fist size. always eat protein first also helps. Maybe you can try out this and see whether it helps to keep it down to less than 6.5 for the second hour reading. 🙂

4y ago

Thanks! I will try.. I don’t even dare to eat carbs max also 2-3 mouthful bcoz it’s really hard to stay within 6.5.. but I’m always hungry.

Jiayou! I had GD at wk 20 and occassionally i have readings that sky rocket to 9/10 at times. I have delivered to a healthy baby :). I managed to control over time and have lesser exceeding readings. Hence my endocrine doc was ok

3y ago

Oic. Mine also log daily. But mine is wkly send to the doc (not gynae).

Eat wholemeal bread with cheese and a cup of milo is fine. Have to really cut down 2/3 of rice intake (no matter white rice or brown rice for me). I did a lot of trial and error with combination of food.

3y ago

I don’t drink milo at all even for Gao kosong also got sugar. I only can eat 1.5 slices of bread with peanut butter & cheese + no sugar soyamilk 200ml is my max. It will be slightly below 6.6 ✌️😊