I’m currently 32w + 3days and baby’s still in breech :( Does anyone have any recommendations on how to turn a breech baby? Any specific things that you have tried and have successes with? I’m also really worried about csect recovery. Does it really take longer and more painful than a natural delivery? #1stimemom #firstbaby
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Hello everyone. I will be trying to DIY a confinement once I give birth. But contrary to most chinese families, my family does not believe in confinement practices at all. But I have heard many stories from friends and colleagues about the implications in the future if I do not do my confinement properly, I have still decided to do confinement on my own…. Any tips and tricks to follow? E.g. Can i reuse use leftover water from the bathing herbs pail to wash hands? Or must be solely cooled boiled water? What are some must dos and what are some things that are ok not to do? Will have my family to help with anything, but just that they are skeptical and unsure of any traditional practices. #advicepls #thankyou
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