Are you a past/ presently breastfeeding mum? Did you try anything to boost your breastmilk production?

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Yes. Tried some of suggested breastmilk booster. During my confinement days, I’ve tried lin chi kang and unfortunately it does nothing to my milk production. After couple of time of trial and error, I find out radish and some spices did great of my breastmilk production. And almost forgot about this superfood of dates. Need to try this superfood soon 😉

Baca lagi

Milk/ try to prevent in having any stress conditions


I've not trying anything yet for milk booster.

Super Mum

i tried taking soup mix with radish and carrot

i tried fruit,raddish soup n many more tips

as in the picture.. mozafati one

Eat some Dates and fruits

I take horlick and kurma.

VIP Member

Yes, I tried dried fruits

VIP Member

Red dates & horlicks