toilet training

My boy is 2y and 4mths old.. i've been trying to toilet train him for 3 days now, but he seems to doesnt care if he wets his pants... should i give it another try another time, or should i just thrive on.. coz im scared if scolding him would just discourage him...

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sy aja ank mse nk dkt2 2thn . mmg akn ad trkencing berak d selua lg awl2 aja sbb dy xpndai btol2 lg . saba ye sis . kita mmg kne bbyk saba nk mengaja ank ni . nk mrh sgt pon xbole sbb dy msih blaja . sis bole je aja dia dgn setiap 1jam try letk dy kt toipet suh dy kencing ke berK . sy pon mula2 aja mcm tu . mlm plak sy da bg susu ap semua setgh jam sblm msok tido . lps msok je time tido sy suh dy kencing . kdg dorg kalau kita tnye blom tntu dorg bgtau nk kencing . mcm ank sy da pndai ckp pon xgune tnye sbb dy suke thn2 kencing . biase sy sndri yg suh dy kencing . pkse kencing . klau xnt dy da xthn dy trkencing d selua . mmg perlu kn kesabaran aja ank kencing berak tnds ni sis . yg pentg da lame2 nt dy tau dh .

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