1m Baby keep waking up during nap
My baby whenever put him for nap, will only sleep for 30mins or less and cry after that. Every nap the same. Anyone experience the same? Any tips for longer nap?

It's normal for Baby to sleep and wake for short times. Our baby also do that. Import check these as well: Is the room too hot or too cold? Is Baby's swaddle too thick or too thin? Is baby feeling too hot or too cold? Touch Baby's forehead, limbs, legs & Baby's back to feel it. Is baby having colic issue? If colic issue buy BioGaia feed baby 5 times a day. Try to hug baby for 15mins or more until baby is asleep soundly before put baby to sleep on the bed or baby cot - this is to give baby a sense of better security. That's what we do with our baby.
Read moreYes experienced that with my boy when he was around 1 month. It was really tough to make him nap, i feel you. I tried everything, pacifier included. But somehow, it was a phase that he went thru. Gradually he got better and was able to nap and sleep well. Idk how or what. It takes tume, effort and lots of patience. Exhausting for parents. But fortunately it was just a phase somehow. Good luck to u...
Read moreMy baby did the same. It was phase really. She slept much better when I slept next to her. And to think I almost wanted to do a sleep study. You also should time your baby sleep. If he sleeps a lot at night like a good 12 hours then he will may also just nap short naps since he is adequately rested. Sometimes they not stimulated enough that their not tired enough to take a full nap
Read moreDid you swadle your baby snuggly? If they are not kept snuggly tight, they tend to feel like they are falling (have you ever felt that)? Besides they have been in your womb all snuggy and comfortable...they are adjusting.
As long as baby is healthy then there is no need to worry too much just that yes it is tiring. Does your hubby take turns to wake up and tend to baby or perhaps get a family member to help so you can get enough rest as well...this phase shall pass...hang in there mummy
Yup happens to mine since then till now 2.5 months turning 3mo. Her nap hardly exceeds 20 mins lol
Maybe hungry or need to check on the diaper before putting baby to sleep.
Then maybe it's just a phase like what the others say.
It’s normal. Their sleep cycle is about 20 minutes at this age
Did it got better? Having the same issue now :(
same. just a phase i think.