Sleep regression
Hi moms, I’m at my wits end. My 11.5 month old has been taking his 2nd nap so late cos he refuse to nap/sleeping for like only 30mins for his 2nd nap/ skipping his 2nd nap completely for the past 2 weeks. Is this Sleep regression? Or is this him showing signs that he is ready for 1 nap only? But isn’t this too early for 1 nap?

Thank you for your reply! In his case, what do you suggest? For instance before all this happened, his naps is as such: 8.30am - wake up 11.30-1.30pm - first nap 5-6.30pm - second nap 9.30pm - bedtime Ever since this happened, his schedule is somewhat like this: 7.30am - wake up 11-1.30pm - the only nap (I tried to make him stay up longer but he couldn’t) 7.30/8pm - bedtime *I’m aware that his waking hours shld only be 3-4 hours between each nap. So being awake abt 6 hours before his bedtime is worrying to me. Tho only sometimes he becomes fussy cos he’s been awake too long. But other times he is okay and still wants to play.
Read morewith every sleep regression, there comes new development. so it’s both, he’s also showing signs of dropping a nap. it’s not too early, some babies experience it earlier and some later. all normal. time to change his routine a bit.