baby rash ?
Baby is a week old . Skin is peeling and red patches all over her body . Anyone can advise?

Seems like your baby is allergic to something...could be the baby detergent, bathing soap, clothing material, the meantime you should get it checked by a doc
Could be allergies. Apply moisturizer or aloe Vera gel on affected areas. Monitor and it doesn’t get better in 2/3 days, please bring your baby to the PD
Peeling is normal. Redness is not. Do let your PD know of the condition at the next checkup. Use moisturizer after every bath, wear lighter clothes.
My LO had rashes too the first week we got home. It was heat rash. I suggest you bring your LO to pd as it looks bad. Hopefully LO is okay
Newborn skin peeling is quite common, though the redness could be skin sensitivity or allergy. You can check with PD to be sure
i use cheerrubs skin balm! is work and is good because toxic-free, my LO using when she has rash and eczema
Moisturise with gentle baby lotions like cetaphil, aveeno, QV baby and dove sensitive skin range
It looks like severe eczema. Please see a PD soon to get it diagnosed and get proper treatment.
Skin peeling I think normal my LO also skin peel on fingers up to 2 months old.
Peeling is normal. Redness should consult doctor or apply baby lotion cream
Queen of 2 sweet son