my baby recently seem to have block nose kinda gluey..i sprayed sterimar daily and used the pigeon suction thingy..managed to get out the mucus..but it will eventually come back again. she is still active and feeding well. should i be worried? will it self heal or is there any other remedy that i should try? i can hear her block nose with mucus sound whenever she tries to suckle...other than that, shes breathing normally.

Not all cases of blocked, stuffy nose needs treatment. Since it doesn't seem to be bothering your baby, you don't really have to do anything. As long as your baby is active, eats, drinks and breathes normally and show no major discomfort, reckon it's okay to wait it out. Just monitor her for the time being. Besides the method you mentioned, if you are keen, you can place a cool-mist vaporizer or humidifier in your baby's room to add moisture to the air. My friends have tried this method and it does help with the blocked nose after a while.
Read moreI will give iliadin drop day and night before the situation gone worst. After using sterimar and pigeon, use iliadin to dry it. Rmb use 3 day rest 2 days or use 5 days and completely stop. Most of PD or GP will give iliadin when baby have nose block.
thank you! illadin drop is prescriptive or can get over the counter?
I apply vicks on my girl's soles. I off the aircon and sleep with fan I use nose drops and is sufficient to clear the mucus. she got well after few applications. when it happen again, we use nose drop and apply vicks. works well without seeing doctor
may i know why the vicks shd be applied to soles of feet? i will go get baby vicks to try. thanks!!
I used illadin drops and it basically drys up the mucus. However, u can use it atraight for 5 days and after dat, got to stop for 3 days. Usually will try for 2 rounds and if it doesn't help, will see the doctor.
Maybe you can try running a humidifier in your baby’s room while they sleep to help loosen mucus. Or using nasal saline drops; putting one or two drops of saline in the nose can help loosen mucus.
Vicks is good , apply Vicks and wear socks . Illiadin usually I use if the runny nose is very bad . But usually I stop using it after 2-3 days , over using will cause the nose to go haywire .
Illadin is good, it helps with stuffy and blocked nose. Your child maybe having phlegm. Another medication you can give would be Flumicil Sachets.
do steaming by placing napkin in hot water, sweeze it out and place baby nose in the way of the steam.
Thank you.