My baby still has blocked nose and cough. I understand that the Iliadin that the doctor gave can only be used for 5 days. I think Sterimar is a better option, right? And after spraying should something be used to suck out the mucus? Will the blocked nose be better? Which brand and from where to get the sucker?

Sterimar Nasal Spray is safe for daily use while medicated Illadin is not. You can clear baby's nose daily in the morning using Sterimar. If he/she has mucus, you can use NoseFrida to clear it. If your baby is prone to having runny nose try to let baby to sleep in non-aircon room at night. I purchased from Amazon. If you are in urgent to use it, can try to visit Kiddy Palace as they have a few different brands. For me, NoseFrida is the easiest to use.
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Yes I use Sterimar too, was strongly encouraged by many mummies on the Facebook group. There was a period my baby has a very bad blocked nose she kept crying. We used the Pigeon nose cleaner and we would see the mucus in the collection bottle. It is also very safe because the insert is a bulb design. It prevents us from going too deep into the nose to hurt baby. I would strongly recommend this.
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