5 Replies

Just like any skill, it will take a good few tries before the baby actually know it's "food" to eat. I tried blw on my girl and I notice she was more receptive to hold certain food - brocolli, zucchini, apple, bread, cauliflower - and less in favour of holding banana, potato, sweet potato (basically she will hold and drop or hold and throw). Not sure if it's the texture or taste. Nevertheless, just continue offering if you would like to head towards blw way. Btw there's a blw fb group you can join to ask questions or pick on recipe ideas. Here's the page https://m.facebook.com/groups/1412241078993710?ref=bookmarks

Firstly, for a 6 mth old child, we must be mindful of finger food that we give. We do not want to overly expose the child to tasty food and then we might run into trouble with fussy eater later on. It could be that your baby is not ready to pick up the unfamiliar food by himself. It might be too early to say that he prefers spoon feeding as he is still young. This stage is more to letting the child goes through semi solid and be interested in eating semi solid food rather than letting him self feed which is at a later stage. Go slow with the little one and he will pick up the idea of self feeding soon.

In baby led weaning, the first few weeks are considered exploratory phase. Baby will play with his food and may not even consume them. Continue offering a variety of food and don't be disheartened. Milk is still their primary source of food between 6-9 months and a baby can grow as healthily even with milk alone. Have you read the book by Gill Rapley or even blogs on BLW to manage your expectations? I strongly suggest you to do so and also to join the BLW FB group.

Oh dear, that is very normal. Babies learn and explore through play. Which is expected that least or no food is consumed. Looking over, babies are learning to grab, the colours, the texture. It may seem like something simple to us, but its definitely an activity filled with fun for baby. Dont be disheartened :)

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