low appetite and increase sleep
Hi My baby is 6 weeks. In the past 24 hours his intake has reduced alot ( he is on formula S26). Not only that but he is sleeping more than usual. Is this normal? Anyone came across this?

Babies go through a growth spurt between sometime between 4-6 weeks old and a mental leap around 5 weeks old. During these periods they may feed/sleep more or less than usual, amongst other behavioral changes. You may want to read more about them here: Wonder Weeks: https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&source=web&rct=j&url=https://www.thewonderweeks.com/the-mental-leaps-and-wonder-weeks/&ved=2ahUKEwj44LCDlNvlAhUJOSsKHem9ALMQFjATegQIBRAB&usg=AOvVaw12NR47oRPOxapkrEx2LpUz Growth Spurts: https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&source=web&rct=j&url=https://www.mamanatural.com/baby-growth-spurts/&ved=2ahUKEwjQ4O--j9vlAhXU73MBHdMMCu0QFjAMegQIBxAB&usg=AOvVaw3YPI_AeT0cXRep0NRfbOUh&cshid=1573234324214
Read moreYeah newborn tend to sleep more. You can try to wake him/her to feed him, if don't want then it's ok. As long as wet diapers meets the requirements & your baby don't look dehydrated, it's ok. Every baby is different. Enjoy this moment when your baby like to sleep, not gonna be forever lol
Mine yes during sleeping time he will cry and ask for milk but don't drink and sleep back... After 4-6 hours he will wake up and ask for milk to drink
Hi, It looks like a growth spurt symptom. Also every baby is different so don’t worry and gradually it will be fine
Likely growth spurt. Should return to normal soon
Maybe you can check with tHe pediatrician
Might be growth spurt
Excited to become a new mum