8 Replies
My son was like that too when he was around this age. I was concerned and checked with the PD who told me to continue observing. As he grew older, it got better. Now he is totally fine :)
What kind of play does he engage in? Are there distractions like other people talking or even someone using the phone/ipad at the same time?
Please check with the PD on this. Perhaps you need to bond more with him. More skin to skin contact may help with bonding.
Hey, The development pace of every child is different. Also bring this topic up during your PD's visit as well
PD can refer to specialist if needed. Don't worry too much. Different baby different progress in n development
This could be a developmental milestone the baby need to work on. Can talk to the PD on the next visit
Do discuss this with your pediatrician during your next visit
You can ask the doc during baby's next check up