44 Replies

There are many reasons why this could be happening. It would be helpful if you could fill us in with more details. From the sound of it, it could be a stage, teething or even night terrors as you mentioned hard to calm him down. However it is hard to define what the issue could be. Sometimes, it happens for no reason too, just oart and parcel of the parenting. I went through a similar stage with my firstborn. I got scared h8nestly, thinking if it was something paranormal. Oh well, please dont allow me to scare you haha. I have attached a link for you, similar scenario based. Might be useful to you. http://www.parents.com/baby/sleep/issues/teach-baby-to-sleep-through-the-night/ Dont be too hard on yourself. All the best.

Thank you. Actually I really don't know why he had been having such disrupted sleep these days. He is not teething and nor is he learning a new skill. I read the article you sent and I am still not sure what I could do because I approach it Really stressed because he is crying in his sleep almost every hour and there is little we can or know what to do.

Your baby may be having night terrors. These are different from nightmares. Nightmares usually start when children who are 3 to 4 years old, and children wake up from them feeling scared (and could remember the nightmare). But with a night terror, it usually happens during deep sleep when the baby is not dreaming. The baby’s sleep suddenly gets disrupted and he/she may suddenly start crying or screaming in distress. The baby is not aware that he/she is crying, and is not likely to remember this the next morning. Fortunately, night terror is not found to have any harmful effects on babies and will outgrow them. To help, simply make sure that your baby is safe, comfort him/she (if needed) and your baby will eventually quiet down.

My baby did that past few days for 3 consecutive days and that time we are staying at my in laws after long time not staying there and most likely because she does not use to that place or she was just too tired that slightest noise or movements annoys her. We are having events at my in laws for those days and she has been waking up for quite a long time than usual. Try waking her up if he cries and let he see his surroundings or bring around the house and told him its ok he can go back to sleep. Hug him warmly. I did that to my daughter during her cries and she did fall back to sleep. Now we are back to our room, she is okay and never cry again at night so i assume the above.

My 11 month old had the same thing for 2 consecutive nights. Based on the time and way of crying I looked it up and it is called night terrors. Literature show that it's too early as it happens to 18month olds and up but upon reading the comments here, it seems a common thing with their age. According to the articles I read, my baby is actually asleep during the crying period and he doesn't recall anything in the mornings. Apparently it is more difficult for the parents rather than the crying child and there's nothing to be done about it except to make sure he doesn't awaken

Same as my 11 months old, but he sleep through the night now. I tried no naps after 4pm even he is sleepy at 4:30 strictly no naps. Sometimes he will just nap from 12-2pm if he don't want to nap after that i just put him to bed early like 5:30 earliest latest is 7pm. If he cried at night I tried to carry him and rock him until he calm down. And put him back right away, put pacifier and he can see me leaving his room, but i always tell him that i love him and good night. I tried CIO too for 3 days, now he can sleep through the night.

May I ask please, your baby must be on solids right? I would like to know his/her daily food intake routine if you put him to bed that early. My baby is having 3meals each day & 2snacks: morning & afternoon. The 3rd meal will be some time around 5-6ish, then bath time before bed.. Thanks for answering.

My baby 7 month old, he will sleep around 9:30 or 10 pm, then cry or wakes up for milk around 4 am or five, then wakes up at 8am he will eat his breakfast at 9 am then play till 11 am then nap few minutes or hour, wakes up 12 then eat lunch at 12:30, drink milk rest, play then shower he will have nap 1 or 2 hrs again in the afternoon same routine everyday, but recently he is teething so he will wake up n suddenly cry like he is not comfortable with his sleeping position keep roll here n there

My 11 months baby does this everyday, I just give him milk and sleeps again. He always sleeps at night around 7-8pm and he wakes up at 4am to cry sleeps again after drinking milk. He wakes up for real at 5-6am, eat play takes a bath and take a nap at 8-9am, Play again, eat, and take a nap again at around 2pm. This has been his routine since he was around 6months. And I always gives him milk before he sleep. He has been a good boy since he was an infant 😊

My baby did same thing but during naps. I made sure she practice all day her crawling and standing and sitting and still does throw tantrums and screams during naps. She stands in her crib for about 15mins sometimes tries to sleep standing up by laying her head in the corner of the crib. How funny but she does that and get upset when she wakes up from a fall. Hahaha May be babies really go through with some regression but we need to be consistent with our routine I guess. :)

My baby also now 11 mths old and did the same thing but twice in the night. 1-2am or 3-4am. Im been assuming that probably my baby is growing teeth, so might feel agitated or irritated during sleep. Bought a teething cream and apply on my baby's gum before sleep. Now it seems to be a little bit better. But still will wake up in the middle of the night. Guess have to endure thruout this process.

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Have you tried increasing volume for the last feed before bed time? Same thing happened to my bubba at 8-mth, didn’t occur to me that increasing feed would actually help her sleep through the night again. Try that if you haven’t, but it’ll probably take a couple of days-week for the effects to actually take place.

Yes, my bby boy he usually takes 4oz every feed but at night before bedtime I increase it to 7oz to help him sleep from 7pm to 4am. He is 10 months old.

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