hi mommies, My baby is turning 3 month old and he always want me to carry him especially when he is sleeping. Every time I put him on the bed he will wake up and cry. Even though at night I need to cradle him so he can sleep soundly.. He also doesn't want to sit in the stroller. Is it because i'm a DL mother so he prefer to attach with me? is it normal? thank you..

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I direct latched my daughter as well exclusively since she was born and she doesn't need to be cradled to sleep all the time. Once I feed her, I would burp, change her and then put her down to sleep. She would be put to the cot awake and then she may fuss a little before she sleeps. You need to give her a chance to learn to self soothe for some of the naps and bedtime otherwise she would always think that she needs to be cuddled to sleep. Unfortunately that's how the not so positive sleep association happens. We unknowingly encourage our babies to sleep with sleep props. Healthy sleep habits is really important to get your baby to sleep well.

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First three months is an adjusting period for baby as well. Baby needs to feel safe and secure. That is to say, baby needs to feel that they are in a familiar environment. Naturally being closed to you makes him feel secure and calm his nervous system. You can swaddle him so that he feels like he is still in the womb. Use white noise, swing, side lying and sucking to calm baby. You can read Dr. Harvey Karp's The Happiest Baby On the Block. https://www.happiestbaby.com/blogs/blog/the-5-s-s-for-soothing-babies

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It is common for them to want to be carried all the time and even for sleeping during the first few months. They will get better. My gal practically live on my chest for the first three months and i don't even direct latch. They need the bonding and the security. You must be very tired but hang in there. Put the baby down only after about 15-20mins after they fall asleep in your arms as they need that long to get into a deep sleep. You can also try baby wearing him in the day so that you can do other things

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It is totally normal whether you breastfeed or bottle feed. Babies naturally want to be carried as they feel secure and assured. They do not know how to self soothe. The only thing that is familiar to them is the smell and warmth of mummy. Take it slow. Give him all the assurance needed.

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All babies will want to be attached to their mommies regardless being breastfeed or bottled fed. They feel secure being close to mummy like how they were in our tummy for 9 months. You can try using a beanbag pillow during bedtime to give him the 'secure' feeling with it's weight.

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I feel it would become a habit if u keep on carrying him n eventually difficult to change? Maybe try co sleeping? Instead of carrying ?