9 months old cries hysterically while sleeping multiple times a night

Hi all, since day 1, my boy would cry hysterically while sleeping - multiple times a night. He's not overtired when go to bed and stays within the recommended nap time / whole day sleep hours. But every night without fail he will cry hysterically (eyes still close) and only stop when we pick him up and soothe him. He has never slept though the night... Anyone experiences this too? Any tips?

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could b sleep regression... hopefully the below can help in some way Make sure baby is dry and well fed before bedtime. Remove gadgets and toys from the crib. Maintain a solid bedtime routine. Put your baby in their crib drowsy but awake. Make sure they rest during the day. Make sure there’s physical activity in their daily routine.  Be consistent. Stick to your routine. Let them fuss a little in the middle of the night to help them learn to soothe themselves back to sleep. 🙏💕

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u may need to use white noise and sleep balms