My baby is 11 months old and started sleeping through the night quite early. However recently he would cry for no reason in the middle of the night randomly (though it happens most often from 4am) and at times he would sit up to cry. It would take me a while to put him to bed and calm him down..... Any advice on what is happening and how to solve it? I tried CIO one night and I really feel it is not for me nor him - so any advice other than CIO is much appreciated. We are very tired and want our sleep back. Thank you.....

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My guess is that its most probably teething. My 11th mo baby does that too. Will calm her down n give milk to comfort her, aftr that she’ll be happy, went back to sleep. CIO is not for me too. Its very tiring but i’d rather be there to comfort baby. Tell yourself that its just a phase, it’ll pass soon.

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My baby is turning 11 months old this 26 but, she rarely cries in the middle of our slept in the evening. She's unto teething either. She can now walk by her own without suppport. Maybe your baby work much, I mean super active in a day that makes ur baby fussy in the night!

My baby is the same. At some point he just sits then lays on me then goes back to sleep but most of the time it will take too long for him to go back to sleep. So I just breastfeed him to go back to sleep which works most of the time or just let him sleep on his own.

When he's midway to 11th month he usually cries 2am then wakes up interval 1hr to 2hrs and the only way to pacify him is to latch then he falls back to sleep again resting on my arm then wakes up again when his head is not on my arm anymore tyring but happy 😘

1y ago

I do more play time, adventures & exploring during the day, which helps tire her out so she sleeps better.

My 11month old twins does the same. I will just normally entertain them for awhile. Give them milk & they will sleep back in 1hour or so. I think it's just a phase. Trying to tell myself this will only happen once & will miss when they grow up😅 hang in tgere mummy!

Mine was the same when she was 11 months old. This and that happened but we found comforting her worked the best, that way she’ll get back to sleep without actually “woken up”. Her doctor said they start having bad dreams at that age, that explains.

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It could be bad dreams/ they played too much during the day/ or baby going through a phase. Maybe you can give milk bottle or latch. See whether it works? My baby screams during at wee hours at times too. Don’t worry! All the best.

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my baby 11 mo cant sleep early 😕 the earliest at 11pm n wake up at 8am. When I turn off the light, he starts clapping his hands n stand up😅 Afternoon, he sleep 2-3 hours. 1 day he sleep 12 hours. N even ever 8 hours sleeping 😩

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4y ago

same here we try not to take a nap after 4pm but after our dinner she will sleep at 7-8pm then wake up after 1hour 😒😒 then she will just play until 12am and even i wake her up at 6am she will cry a lot and i felt so bad for disturbing her 😅😂 she will throw tantrums not until you let her sleep again 😭😢 and she will be waking up 10am and the routine continues.. i even try to let her not to sleep nor nap but i still failed after i thought she's so tired and will sleep at 7pm until next morning .. she just nap for about and hour and still wake up until late night 😣

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I think it quite normal at this stage...just going through another baby does the same.... So just breastfeed, bottlefeed or cuddle and he/she will go back to sleep