Toddler won’t brush teeth
Anyone's little one refuses to brush teeth? How do you make them brush well everyday? When did you start to train them?

Maybe u buy them toothpaste with flavor. "Jack n jill" organic toothpaste which can swollow,it has various flavour. Currently i change to pigeon toothpaste grapes flavour smell very nice both my sons love it. I give them a habit to brush after shower twice daily everytime. Starting will be difficult but you can do it with them. You see mama brush now your turn. Explain to them why need to brush. Maybe can on some youtube videos from cocomelon regards brushing teeth to let the child more understand. Cute toothbrush with their favourite cartoon motivate them. **If child still small advice to use can swollow toothpaste**
Read moreWe started as soon as the first tooth started appearing, but was only with a damp, soft washcloth at that time to get LO used to it :) Once he had two teeth, we moved on to baby toothbrushes and Jack N Jill fluoride-free toothpaste - safe even if LO swallows! Made it fun with songs, you can refer to YouTube for teeth brushing songs! We then moved on to letting him hold his own toothbrush, and he learnt how to brush while singing songs - now, he requests for it during/right after each bath and brushes his teeth all over until he's done :) We haven't moved on to fluoride toothpaste yet as he doesn't know how to spit yet.
Read moreI start brushing my child's even when the tooth is not out yet . I will just brush the gum and tongue . Till few tooth grows , introduce to toothbrush but without toothpaste . Now , already 5 years old this year and will want to brush her own teeth , with my adult Colgate toothpaste ya . 🤭🤭🤭 First , always complain very hot but now used to it already . Didn't mean to torture my babe but for her own good to have a clean teeth . I don't recommend her children toothpaste cos it won't clean much as she eats a lot of sweets .
Read moreYou can try print a picture of teeth and mouth, covered it wit plastic paper. Which you can then draw Monsters on the teeth with whiteboard markers and get the children to brush the mobsters away. I did it for my kids and tell a story along to get them interested in brushing teeth. We also put YouTube song and brush our teeth together to make it fun. I start cleaning their mouth at a month old, with a toothbrush around 6 months and visit Dentist at 1 year old to get them use to the idea of having healthy teeth.
Read moreFrom about 8 months - and initially we let her start watching us brush teeth but never forced her - then slowly she kept grabbing so we said no cannot. When u are older - then we made a big ceremony around brushing teeth and told her the day of beckoning has arrived and now she gets to be a big girl and brush her teeth and we gifted her a tooth brush and tooth paste as a present all wrapped up. Lol.
Read moreStart slowly and intoduce ur child to toothbrush . U brush your teeth in front of him , let him see and touch the toothbrush . I started to brush my baby's teeth without any toothpaste , after he is used to it , i started using just a tiny bit of paste (pearlie white for kids -depending on age) and would brush for him . Dun force your LO . Do it slowly and do it together .
Read moreMine also don’t like it but I always make it a habit to brush with her and bought a small mirror and stand so she can reach the sink, with a fruity toothpaste then i ask her “show mommy how u brush ur teeth”, usually she will proudly show and i sing the brushing teeth song
Brush together with your child. I’ve also got a book with little animals brushing their teeth. I’ll read to her during story reading time. Over time, she will associate and says she want to be like little rabbit and brush her teeth. Good luck!
I started training my LO to brush teeth before first tooth appeared. Nowadays she brushes her teeth on her own and on days where she’s in a bad mood and refuses to brush them herself, I’ll let her have the iPad for a few minutes while I brush them for her
The earlier you get them used to the toothbrush the better. Always make it as part of your bedtime routine and early morning routine. Give your child time, and with repetition and consistency, your child will learn this is the new routine.