breathing difficulties
Anyone here encounter breathing difficulties when sleeping during 3rd trimester ? The breathing blockage is so intense, that i can snore so loud that i woke myself ?

Yes! My husband says i snore very loudly, and cause sleeping takes effort to find the right position to sleep.. and i notice that i drool during my sleep when pregnant too...
Sometimes i find myself suddenly taking in a deep breathe and snoring/snorting. Idk what is that either but once i change position it doesnt happen anymore.
Oh... maybe its positioning ... thank you :)
Me too... So I thought it's because I take iron pills at night. Now that I take it in the day, I'm breathless both in the day and at night!!??
Indeed... Cos the tummy is just so big! Try lying on your side, hang in there you will see you cute baby soon! :)
It's common.. try slping sideways so tat the baby is pressing against ur heart and lungs
Yes common. Always sleep on your left side. It can helps w your breathing
Yes it’s call heart burn. I also felt short breathe when talking
I have issues when lying down or moving fast. Think it’s normal!
Yes. I'm experiencing it.
Yes happens to me!!!
just me