Hello, anyone brought stroller to Beijing? Baby friendly?

Best to strap your child in baby sling or carrier. That will be more convenient and get you to be more flexible. If really needed, pack a light weight stroller for ease of transport
I will be gg Beijing soon. No intention of bringing stroller cause I scare my Son will be kidnapped haha ... will baby wear most of the time
Beijing isnt very stroller friendly. seldom see people use stroller. maybe you want to baby wear. how old is your child?
I will still bring a lightweight stroller. Prolong baby wearing can be tiring for you and baby.
No. I will babywear my child. too much horror stories of child being kidnapped in china.
I think baby carrier will be a better choice. You can keep your baby close to you.
Hmm, a baby carrier will be better imo
Yeah it’s fine.