
13 Balas

If I take vaccine already, still need Pap smear?

Hi, thank you for your comment! To answer your question, yes definitely! Although taking the HPV vaccine has lowered your risk of getting cervical cancer significantly. Screening every 2-3 years is still a must to ensure full prevention against cervical cancer.

Doc, how do I know if I need to do cervical cancer screening?

Hi, thank you for your comment! To answer your question, as long as you're sexually active you are to start getting your cervical screening done via pap smear or HPV DNA. To wait for signs and symptoms before starting cervical cancer screening is risking yourself to be diagnosed only at late stages. We encourage everybodyto get screened the moment they start being sexually active.

kanser serviks ap?

Kanser Serviks adalah Kanser di pangkal rahim. Biasanye, disebabkan oleh virus HPV (human papilloma virus). HPV ini disebarkan melalui seksual (walaupun dengan seorang pasangan) atau skin-to-skin contact juga. HPV virus ini boleh mengubah sel-sel normal di pangkal rahim menjadi tidak normal, lama kelamaan boleh menyebabkan kanser.

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