Topik ATE Minggu Ini: Saringan Kanser Serviks: Bila Perlu, Jenis Rawatan & Kesan Sampingan

Anda boleh mengajukan soalan dalam Bahasa Melayu atau Bahasa Inggeris. You can submit your questions in Bahasa Melayu or English. Ahli Perubatan yang akan berkongsi ilmu dan tips minggu ini adalah Dr. Leevyadhashiny Ganasan, MBBS (MAHE), Medical Officer and Health Promotion Lead. Our expert this week is Dr. Leevyadhashiny Ganasan, MBBS (MAHE), Medical Officer and Health Promotion Lead. 📰 Topik: Saringan Kanser Serviks: Bila Perlu, Jenis Rawatan & Kesan Sampingan 🗓️ Tarikh: 24 Januari 2025 Topic: Cervical Cancer Screening: When You Should, Types of Treatments & Side Effects Date: 24 January 2025 Jika anda ada sebarang pertanyaan berkaitan dengan topik ini, jangan malu-malu untuk kemukakan soalan anda. Ahli Perubatan kami akan sedia membantu! If you have any questions related to this topic, don’t hesitate to ask. Our expert will be ready to help! ⛔ NOTA: Sebarang persoalan luar daripada topik dan tarikh yang ditetapkan mungkin tidak akan dijawab atau dipadam terus. ⛔ NOTE: Any questions outside the topic and date specified may not be answered or could be deleted.

Topik ATE Minggu Ini: Saringan Kanser Serviks: Bila Perlu, Jenis Rawatan & Kesan Sampingan
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Dr, maaf kalau soalan saya agak sensitif. Saya baru lepas bersalin anak ke-3. Saya perasan setiap kali selepas saya bersama (intercourse) dengan suami, saya akan rasa sakit. Saya tak pasti kalau ini hanya normal, tanda awal kanser atau hanya kesan lepas bersalin. Perlu ke saya buat Pap smear untuk kepastian?

Baca lagi
1mo ago

Hi, thank you for your comment! To answer your question, sakit masa bersama dengan suami adalah tidak normal dan patut diperiksa oleh dr sakit puan (gynaecologist). Although, tak semestinye kanser, dr sakit puan akan scan dulu dan rule out other possibilities. Pap smear mesti dibuat jugak dalam setting yang sama.


Hai Dr Leevy, Boleh saya tahu pap smear boleh dilakukan berapa kali bagi melakukan saringan kanser serviks? Adakah terdapat cara lain selain pap smear untuk mengetahui seseorang itu menghidap penyakit kanser serviks? Terima kasih.

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1mo ago

Hi, thank you for your comment! To answer your question, menurut guideline kami selagi Pap Smear remain normal, anda boleh repeat pap smear setiap 5 tahun. Tetapi kalau ada pernah abnormal result, setiap 3 tahun is recommened. Sekarang ramai health care professional advice orang ramai untuk membuat saringan setiap tahun, sebab kanser semakin kerap dalam masyarakat Malaysia dan perlukan pemantauan yang lebih kerap. Cara lain selain pap smear adalah HPV DNA test, cara mengambil sampelnye sama seperti pap smear tetapi test ini adalah untuk mengetahui jika sesorang itu ada dijangkit virus HPV dan jenis HPVnye.

Hi, Doctor! I am not sure if my question can relate or not. I am just wondering if using birth control pills for a long time, says around 5-6 years, can increase my risk of cervical cancer? Should I switch to a different method or how?

1mo ago

Hi, thank you for your comment! To answer your question, yes long term hormonal therapy can increase your risk of cervical cancer. However, if you're unable to avoid your birth control pills, this is where screening regularly comes into play. Doing a pap smear or HPV DNA test yearly would be ideal. If you are able to, try to change to other birth control methods that do not involve hormone, like IUCD.

I’m scared of medical stuff, and I want to do everything I can to stay healthy and prevent any diseases or illnesses. But I’m worried about the side effects of the HPV vaccine. How will it affect me in the long term?

1mo ago

Hi, thank you for your comment! To answer your question, HPV vaccine provided in NCSM (Gardasil 4 and 9) has no long term effects as of now. These vaccines have gone through 3 phases of clinical trial and has been deemed safe and efficacious to use, so rest assured you can put your mind at ease.

Hi, Dr! I’m planning to take HPV vaccine but want to get a closure about it first. Does the HOV vaccine protect 100% against cervical cancer? Or do I still need to do regular screening?

1mo ago

Hi, thank you for your comment! To answer your question, full coverage with the HPV vaccine (meaning 3 doses or 2 doses depending on your age) will protect you 100% against cervical cancer, however, it is still important to get screened regularly still. This is to ensure a full prevention against cervical cancer.

Doctor, I have a lot of anxiety about cervical cancer because I’ve heard stories from friends. What are some early symptoms I can look out for, and how do I overcome this constant fear?

1mo ago

Hi, thank you for your comment! To answer your question, early symptoms of cervical cancer include abnormal bleeding (between periods, during intercourse, after menopause) or abnormal pervaginal discharge (foul smell, change in colour) and pain in pelvic area and belly area. However, the issue is these signs and symptoms are not specific to cervical cancer and can have many other diagnosis that are not cancerous. Thus, regular screening come into play. If you feel you are at risk, screen yearly or 2 yearly via pap smear or HPV DNA. This way you can also overcome your fear regarding cervical cancer.

Hi Dr, is it true that we need to do pap smear every year? Are there different kinds of pap smear? I heard of 1 type that u just need to do every 2 years instead of every year

1mo ago

Hi, thank you for your comment! To answer your question, according to guideline actually pap smear needs to be done every 5 years if results are normal and every 3 years if any abnormal results for monitoring. However, many healthcare professionals are recommending to get screened yearly, because cancer if becoming more prevalent and volatile. Thus, to be safe we encourage everyone to get screened yearly. The type of pap smear does not affect how frequent the screening needs to be done.


Doktor, kanser servis boles diwarisi ke? Mak Saya ada kanser serviks maktu usia dia 40-an, adakah saya berpontensi untuk dapat juga kanser?

1mo ago

Hi, thank you for your comment! To answer your question, yes kanser serviks boleh diwarisi. Jika mak anda pernah dapat kanser serviks, risiko anda lebih tinggi, oleh itu saya sarankan anda membuat saringan setiap tahun.

Doctor, if I take HPV sure not get Cervical cancer? Only cervical cancer or is it effective for other cancer?

1mo ago

Hi, thank you for your comment! To answer your question, although completion of the vaccine does give 100% coverage, no one can gurantee you will never get cervical cancer. This is where screening come into play. The vaccine reduces your risk of getting cervical cancer significantly. To answer your second question, HPV virus itself affects other parts of the body other than the cervix, namely oropharynx, nasopharynx, penis, anus as well as vulva and vagina. The HPV vaccine provided in NCSM offers protection against these other parts also and not just cervix. For this reason, we encourage both men and women to take the vaccine.

Doktor, kalau dapat tahu ada kanser masa mengandung servik, apa option rawatan yang selamat untuk baby?

1mo ago

Hi, thank you for your comment! To answer your question, jikalau didiagnose kanser serviks masa mengandung, the only option usually adalah c-ser sebelum memulakan rawatan kanser, however, ia juga tergantung kepada stage kanser so always dapat full advice from your gynaecologist (Dr Sakit Puan).