25 Replies
I drank teh C kosong almost everyday through my pregnancy 😅. I can't live without caffeine so it was a decent alternative. Maximum allowance is about 1 cup of coffee per day so 1 teh per day should be OK!
Yes! My doctor said limit to one cup a day. I been taking half a cup of coffee with milk every morning.. the other half a cup give my husband 🤣
Yes it is alright to drink teh once in awhile during pregnancy and you also can drink 1 week 2 times
Yes it’s alright. Drink a little bit or limit to 1 cup will not have harmful impact on pregnancy.
Yes, max once a day. Drink in moderation. I drink a few times a week or every other day.
Yes! I drink one cup of kopi everyday while pregnant. Doc says its ok. Just no alcohol.
I did not drink in the first trimester. But now I have a cup each day!
I think is okay to drink but try to moderate the amount do not over dose
Maybe not in the first trimester... After that, pls drink in moderation.
mama X