
after warming ebm and letting baby drink but didn’t finish, how long more can i keep it for?

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VIP Member

One general rule that many follow is that once the saliva touches the bottle, the milk should be used in the next 1hr

Super Mum

Put back in the fridge and can warm again for one more time. Leave outside in room temperature, only can last 1-2 hours

5y ago

so even if baby drank it i can still put it back in the fridge?

Super Mum

Keep it back in the fridge for the next feed, keeping in mind thia can only be re-warmed once

5y ago

baby drank it still can put back in fridge?

Super Mum

Total time at room temp I will keep it at 1 hour

VIP Member

1 hr from when u warmed

VIP Member

1 hour at room temp

Super Mum

At most 1 hr

Super Mum

60 min

1 hr

VIP Member

1 hr