36 Balas

What are the best digestible source of iron for children? Any recommendations for me 😀. Thanks Dr Azri

Heme iron sources are easily absorbed (beef, chicken, fish). Howevere non-heme iron is more easily available such as green leafy vegetables, iron fortified milk or cereals, tofu, chickpeas. With non-heme iron, it is adviced to also take foods rich in vitamin C to improve iron absorption (e.g oranges, kiwi etc).

Salam boleh tanya macam mana cara nak turunkan gula dalam darah untuk ibu mengandung

Is it possible for anaemia to occur with newborn babies? and what can I do to prevent this?

Anaemia can occur in newborn babies (depending on the cause - it can be due to bleeding for any reason, or severe infection) with premature babies being at highest risk due to less iron stores.

Assalamualaikum... sy nak tanya... apakah tanda² awal menunjukkan tanda penyakit anemia.??

Waalaikumsalam. Tanda-tanda awal penyakit anaemia adalah anak cepat lesu atau letih (kurang bermain, banyak tidur atau baring sahaja), kurang tumpuan (short attention span) dan kemudiannya akan kelihatan pucat. Sekiranya dibiarkan, pembesaran anak akan terbantut dan perkembangan akan terjejas.

Adakah anemia ni penyakit genetik? taupun yg boleh dijangkit dari kanak-kanak lain?

There are causes of anaemia which is inherited such as thalassaemia, sickle cell disease and hereditary spherocytosis. No, anaemia is not transmitted from child to child.

Adakah ape supplemen atau vitamin khas yg blh menolong kanak2 yg terkena anemia?

Pengambilan makanan yang mempunyai zat besi yang tinggi berserta vitamin C akan membantu meningkatkan penyerapan zat besi di usus kanak-kanak. Ibu bapa juga perlu elakkan memberi makanan yang mengurangkan penyerapan zat besi seperti teh, kopi dan sedikit sebanyak minuman koko.

saya ada satu soalan doktor. boleh ke penyakit anemia diwarisi dari ibu ke anak?

Bergantung kepada jenis anaemia yang dihidapi ibu - jika anaemia ibu disebabkan penyakit keturunan seperti pembawa thalassemia, anak mempunyai risiko mendapat penyakit yang sama.


How can I treat iron-deficiency anemia in children? Are they any home remedies?

Hi Cik Yaya, If you are searching for iron fortified milk, you can try Dugro Iron Aktif. It contains a unique combination of highest level of iron* and vit C, dual protein** and 21 vitamins & minerals. Good nutrition intake (from milk and all the other food groups) ensures stronger foundation for immunity/body defense. Current Dugro pack is also high in vitamins and minerals such as Vitamins A, C, E D, Iron & zinc - key nutrients that play an important role for immunity. :)

VIP Member

Hi doctor, may i know how common is iron deficiency or anaemia in children?

Hi Yaa, If you are searching for high iron milk that have balance nutrition, you can try Dugro Iron Aktif. It contains a unique combination of highest level of iron and vit C, dual protein and 21 vitamins & minerals. :) PL

Hello doc. How does anemia affect a child’s development?

Studies have shown that children with anaemia compared with children without anaemia would have lower test scores. It has been shown that anaemia may affect a child's cognitive thinking and cause reduced or short attention span.

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