Sesi Tanya Pakar dibawakan oleh Ddoddomam bersama Dietitian Jowynna Yeo, ABC Children Specialist Clinic, Pengasas Vease Nutrition
'Adakah anak anda perlu makan snek? Snek mana satukah yang selamat dan sesuai dengan usianya?' Tanya soalan tentang pemakanan sihat dan nutrisi yang penting untuk tumbesaran dan perkembangan anak anda pada hari Rabu, 15 September, jam 8 malam ini bersama Dietitian Jowynna Yeo, ABC Children Specialist Clinic, Pengasas Vease Nutrition. Sesi Tanya Pakar kali ini dibawakan oleh Ddoddomam. *NOTA : LIKE & IKUT POST ini sebagai rujukan masa hadapan.
Hi Miss Jowynna, Jika ada orang lain beri anak snek yang sememangnya kita tahu ada bahan perasa dan kadang kala ada masa anak lari dari makan nasi dan mee mungkin sebab dia bosan makan nasi dan mee. Bagaimana cara yang sepatutnya untuk memancing selera makan anak? Dan boleh cadangkan snek yang lebih berkhasiat selain buah-buahan untuk diberikan kepada anak bawah 2 tahun? Terima kasih terlebih dahulu 💕
Baca lagiHi Jowynna. My son LOVES to eat snacks. I have a few questions about snacking. 1. What kind of snacks are best for 2 year olds? 2. How much snacks should he be eating a day? (Currently on top of his 2-3 snacks a day, he still eats 3 full meals) 3. How do I cultivate good snacking habits?
Baca lagi3. How do I cultivate good snacking habits? You can cultivate good snacking habits by being a role model and setting a good example for your child by enjoying nutritious snacks such as fruits and vegetables; provide good ‘hands on’ experience with nutritious foods such as fruits and vegetables through gardening, grocery shopping, and/or cooking and lastly, provide repeated exposures of nutritious food and educate your child what the food does for the body (for example, this will help you grow strong bones and teeth!)
hi dietitian jowynna yeo, saya ingin bertanya, 1- apakah contoh snek yang berkhasiat dan berkalori tinggi untuk anak yang ada masalah kurang berat badan ? umur anak 1tahun . 2. bagaimana cara untuk mengira kalori dalam pemakanan anak? 3. berapa kali snek boleh bagi dalam sehari?
Baca lagithank you dietitian for respon 😊
assalam hai doc saya period yang bulan 7 pertama 7/5 hnya 4 hari sja and peroid lagi 7/15 habis tanggal 7/30 selepas itu berhenti and smpai skng xada period lagi tapi sya merasa sya mmg sllu mual tapi tidak muntah and kuat tdr dn juga selalu pening atau ka itu gejala² kehamilan sya
inn shaa Allah semoga ada rezeki aamiinn
Hi doktor. Saya mommy nora Ikin. Saya nk tnya ni. Pemakanan yg sihat utk kanak 2 bawah 2 thn hingga lima tahun. Dan nutrisi dan protein apakah yg terbaik utk si manja saya syg. Dan perlukah minum susu yg terbaik bg kanak 2 utk tembesaran 😊😊tq doktor
Tq doktor atas nasihat yg diberikan
Hi jowynna yeo, I'm miza here. My baby is just 6 month. Can I know what type of food can I provide for him ? My nephew is 1 year 4 months and he quite difficult make him eat. So what type food we can do for him as well ?
Hi Miza, For a 6 month old baby, we encourage parents to introduce a variety of foods to ensure that all nutrient needs are met. meat, poultry, fish, eggs, milk and dairy products should be given frequently :) when introducing food, single-ingredient foods should be introduced first. you may start with infant cereals/rice porridge and puréed meats - they should be offered first because they provide iron and zinc. once these foods are accepted, strained or puréed fruits and vegetables may be added… additionally, do try to ensure at least 1 feeding per day contains foods rich in vitamin C to promote iron absorption. not forgetting, we want to avoid sugar and salt(sodium) as best as we can too. as for your 1 year old nephew, it is common for 1 year olds to eat less as their growth rate and appetite decreases after the first birthday. rest assured, children generally can self-regulate their food intake. he is likely eating the amount his body needs. children at this age have increase
hi Jowynna, my daughter is 2yo now. When is the right time to give her snacks? Coz whenever i gave her in between meal, she seems less interested to eat the proper meal, maybe she already full from eating snacks.
Hi Aqila, For toddlers, we suggest 1-2 nutritious snacks a day. There are many healthy snacks you can include such as fresh fruit and vegetables, low sodium cheese, whole-grain crackers or wholemeal/wholewheat bread, sandwiches, unsweetened and unsalted peanut butter, and full-fat plain yogurt :) We encourage parents to space out the meals and snacks to at least 2-3 hours apart, as this allows your child time to feel hungry and would not affect their appetite for daily meals. Parents' role is to provide a range of nutritious foods for meals and snacks, but your child should be allowed to decide how much food to eat and if they want to eat the particular meal or snack. This is because children generally can self-regulate their food intake. It is alright if she eats less during the main meals, as the snack time contributes to her overall food intake for that day too. Rest assured, she is self-regulating her food intake and knows best when she is hungry and when she is full :)
Bolehkah anak berumur 6 bulan diberi makan snek beras mahupun snek beras berperisa sayur-sayuran maupun buah-buahan? Adakah pemakanan juga mempengaruhi faktor pertumbuhan gigi?
Terima kasih Green Wellness dan Dietitian Jowyna
Hi Miss. boleh cadangkan snek yang berkhasiat yang sesuai untuk kanak-kanak berumur 2 tahun dan ke bawah yang terlalu memilih untuk makan atau "picky eater"?
Hi Pn Dayyah, kami ialah Green Wellness pengimport snek berkhasiat yang halal daripada Korea. Untuk anak puan yang sudah berusia 2 tahun, kami boleh mencadangkan puan untuk cuba memberinya DDODDOMAM RICE PUFF SERIES (For 1-100 years old) atau DDODDOMAM REAL SERIES. Kedua-dua jenis snek ini bukan sahaja lazat, malah rendah kalori, bebas bahan kimia dan pengawet. Orang dewasa juga sukakannya ! Kesemua snek Ddoddomam adalah dibakar dan bukan digoreng. Jika berminat mengetahui lebih lanjut, puan boleh mengunjungi laman web kami . Terima kasih !
Hi Ms. Jowynna, may I ask what snacks are great for my 3-year-old? What would be beneficial for her at this age? Any snacks or food I should be avoiding?
Additionally, if offering fruit juice, it should only be offered as part of a meal or snack and not to be sipped throughout the day and it should not be consumed at bedtime or in bed too.
❤️ to solehah child