My 6 months has recently started purees. Usually she is okay with the fruit puree. But recently when we switched brands she vomitted. When we let her try the usual brand she is okay with, she vomitted as well. Gave her plain water a small amt, she vomit it out too. When i made her cerelac, she shows me the vomitting gesture. Doctor advised to give her small amounts and only give what she can tolerate. She is only okay when direct latch. The problem is, is it okay if a 6 months just drink bm? Im afraid she might still be hungry as dl cant see how much she drinks. Have yet to try homemade food. Will do it soon.

I agree with the doctor - give her small amounts and only what she can tolerate. It's crucial that we introduce solids to our babies in a positive way - that they see food and eating as a positive experience so you won't have problems later on when feeding them (no picky eating!). I would add to this to introduce one food at a time. For example, start with steamed carrots (cut julienne or as long and fat as your fingers so your baby can grasp one carrot stick in her hand) and just let her reach for the carrots on her own. Let her get used to one food, how it looks, it smells, it tastes, how to eat it, how to hold it, how to chew/melt it in her mouth, how to swallow it. It takes time. Also, by introducing food one at a time, you can mark off which ones are safe and which ones can cause an allergic reaction. At 6 months, her diet will still mostly be breastmilk - so don't worry about feeding her solids three times a day. You can make it a habit for her, that she'll be given a solid meal three times a day, with some snacks in between, but don't expect her to eat it all - just let her get used to the experience first. And also when she sees you eating and enjoying food, she'll pick up on it and would want to emulate her mama. Good luck on the food journey with your kid! :)
Read moretht is probably the gag reflex. give small amount. the starting is always like this. they will lose the reflex soon. as for milk part, yes, below 1 yo, the most impt is still the milk. not enough solids never mind, milk still must have. (: it's definitely okay for 6mo to just drink milk. my girl when she's 6mo also drank milk only. thn I blw her when she's ready.
Read moreAhhh alright. I feel relieve knowing its not uncommon.
give her a small amount to start with. For first time trying solids, the most they can take is 1 tablespoon portion. Secondly, below 1yo,main focus is still milk. So focus more on BM. My breastfed son only fully accept solids at 11mos. So don't worry!
Read moreNo worries! My second son rejected solid big time. Eventually when he accepted arnd 11mo. it was chunky porridge. He doesn't like soft puree food
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Continue to give in small portions and if she rejects it, that's okay. Don't say anything and try again the following day. It takes more then a couple of times for a child to be willing to try something new.
i believe it is a passing phase and she is not ready to try puree. do try again after a few days break. when she is ready she will be able to accept puree..home made or bottle.
Maybe try to let her see u eating her food?
She prefers my food 😅
Little Flower, little fighter