11 Replies
Its okay as long as she is getting a variety of nutrients from solid food. If you want to wean her off, you might want to try giving flavored milk during the day and only formula milk for night feeds etc. In a way you can save money also :)
my girl 4yo also still on formula milk, it's good for them, she is consider tall compare to my other friends kids who stops FM on early ages, so we keep giving it as long as she still want it.
Follow up FM (stage 2 onwards) have high sugar content so maybe that's why your daughter prefers it to normal milk? But too much sugar is ultimately not very good so better to wean off
It's still ok as long as she want it.. my 4 yr old just recently switch to fresh milk.. both r nutritious..
Hi... it’s perfectly fine if your child has other food intake
That's fine. Kids this age should continue to take FM
Hi, It is fine as long as milk intake is there
Is okay. As long as she is still taking milk
That's perfectly fiNe
It's ok